Carl Franklin / Microsoft Regional Director, MVP, Co-host of .NET Rocks! podcast, Executive VP of App vNext.
Blazor Deep Dive
Carl Franklin from .NET Rocks! is hitting the road for a world-wide Blazor Road Show and this is the last US stop! Carl will share architecture best practices, how to make and consume generic components, how to call JavaScript to enhance your apps, and how to implement Authentication/Authorization. He’ll show you how to monitor the traffic going back and forth between the browser and the server, measure your app’s memory footprint, and how to optimize it. You’ll also be introduced to some exciting free Blazor controls including a data grid and appointment scheduling component. Everyone gets a copy of the demo code and the Blazor controls.
Allen Underwood / Co-host of the Coding Blocks Podcast, Software Architect and Microsoft MVP
Kubernetes – Going Beyond Docker and Docker Compose
In this session, I’ll demonstrate Kubernetes and what it can do for you in both your development and production environments.
Shawn Wildermuth / Microsoft MVP, Speaker and Pluralsight Author
Architecting Microservices with .NET Core
As we need to have more flexibility in our systems, microservices represents a way to individually scale, version, and manage different parts of large, complex systems. In this workshop, Shawn Wildermuth will walk you through design patterns and communication options for building microservice systems on the .NET Core platform.
John Callaway / Microsoft MVP • Author • Independent Consultant • @6FigureDev
gRPC, .NET Core, and Star Wars
Remote Procedure Calls are new again with gRPC! This code-heavy talk will focus on the what, why, when, and how to use gRPC in a modern web application ecosystem.
More than just Hello World and FooBar examples here! We’ll be using .NET Core 3.1 and the Star Wars API (SWAPI) to put together a pseudo real-world example and working application.
Slobo Stipic / Senior software engineer – Microsoft
Micro frontends
Micro services are so last year’s hot trend. It is all about micro frontneds this year. A modern architecture pattern of building user experiences. Find out how Microsoft leverages micro frontend architecture pattern to build global, high scale, and technology agnostic user experiences.
Bhakthi Liyanage / AI Architect |Data Sciense Lead| Microsoft
Intelligent Document Classification: Quick Tutorial on AI and NLP
This session will focus on demonstrating how an intelligent document classification system was developed using NLP and AI, and how the system leveraged BERT, ELMo and other word embedding techniques for creating distributed semantic representations that provides the context based insights of the documents. This session also will demonstrate how semantics can be used to develop deep learning network for sentence classification that flags and identify questionable entities and language of interest of documents in an automated manner.
Andrew Boza / Web Developer & Scrum Master
Angular Elements: Use SPA Components Anywhere
I’m going to show you how you can use Angular Elements to drop Angular components into a web app using any technology with a sample ASP.NET MVC application.
Michael Rosario
Design Interactive, Senior Software Engineer
Building AR Apps using Unity AR Foundations
Imagine using an AR app to plan and layout furniture in a space. How could you build your own Minecraft Earth? What would it be like to make the real world a level for your next game? All of these scenarios become possible with Unity AR Foundations. In this talk, we’ll walk through the process of building AR apps using Unity, C#, and the Unity AR Foundations SDK. This framework enables you to leverage the strength of ARKit and ARCore with one codebase. We’ll also explore ways web developers can build AR experiences with HTML and JavaScript.
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